In Southbank, some polkadot trees.
Somewhere near the BFI there were tunnels with nice lighting.
The blue one has small LEDs embedded in the wall between bricks.
The Tate Modern. Maybe the outside doesn't stand up to the inside.
The Millennium Bridge (partially seen here in the foreground) is pretty fun, though.
Hyde Park.
Also in Hyde Park, the Princess Diana Memorial,
designed by American landscape Architect Kathryn Gustafson.
A graft gone crazy near the Princess Diana Memorial.
The 2009 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, designed by Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA. Every year the gallery installs a new pavilion by an architect or designer who has never worked in the UK before. Don't let the public-looking nature of this place fool you, though, it was certainly WAY off-limits when I was there. Perhaps because it had just been unveiled a few days before. See what The Guardian had to say here.